Website additional specifications:
1. Creation of database for the Legal Aid Service with advanced search functions, fully accessible and operational on both proprietary and open-source software, with multi-level access capabilities dependent on the rank and position of the user;
2. Creation of website, as well as website engine serving as web-interface for the database (search functions, access to email, etc.), fully accessible and operational on both proprietary and open-source software with minimum load on Internet bandwidth, completely serviceable by the end user irrespective of level of computer literacy, using advanced levels of security for protecting access to sensitive information.
3. Bilingual – in Georgian and English languages.
4. Option to open and print out the text of news section separately news by news.
5. Option to open and view one separate photo/news individually.
6. Photo gallery’s functionality to open photos in series, one by one by clicking forward/backward arrow buttons as addition to the option № 2.
7. Monthly calendar, iconic view highlighting the current day.
8. Automated news archive function of the news, ability to browse chronologically.
9. Video and audio files stored and opportunity to run and download them from the website.
10. Include a section with the published brochures and envisage the opportunity for download.
11. Add web counter of visitors of the site.
12. Envisage an opportunity for a simple opinion survey.
13. Include documents (forms) for download and print.
Application/offer should include website outline, budget, additional suggestions on technical specifications and samples of the created by applicant websites. Please, submit your offers no later than Monday, December 10, 2007, 5:00 p.m. at the following address: 10 T. Chovelidze Street, Tbilisi, GeorgiaOr via e-mails: [email protected] Contact person: Tamar Kaldani, Rule of Law and Public Administration Program Manager