Inclusive Education Support Project Completed Successfully


Since 2006, with the assistance from the “Open Society Georgia Foundation” the Psychometric and Consultation Association has been implementing the project “Support of the Inclusive Education in Public School #20”. During three years the organization has been actively working on the establishment of the philosophy and principles of the inclusive education in the school. On March 18 the Association hosted the Project Closing Event and presented the short report on the implemented activities. The children with special educational needs and their classmates exhibited their handicrafts and drawings.

Due to success of the school has completely moved to the system of inclusive education.  It will remain to be the main direction for the school even after the end of the project and in the future the school will independently continue working in this profile.

During the implementation of the project the introduction with the philosophy and principles of the inclusive education, as well as their popularization and establishment in the school, were taking place step by step. In 2006 the special class having six children with special needs gradually moved to the integrated teaching programs and by 2009 all the pupils with special educational needs together with other mates of the same age participated in the general education process.

As part of the project the teachers took several trainings on the principles of the inclusive education, class management and individual education plans. The book “Principles of the Inclusive Education” was published and it became one of the main manuals among majority of university programs dedicated to the issues of inclusive education.

A theatre group was established within the school and the small performance “The Snow Queen” was prepared and played by the pupils with special needs in Nodar Dumbadze Central Children Theater on June 1, 2009. Later, the gallery Universe hosted the exhibition of handicrafts produced by the children.

In order to support the popularization of the inclusive education, the pupils created the school logo and slogan based on their own drawings and they were used for preparing special badges, calendars and lesson schedules.

Currently twelve children with special educational needs are among the pupils of the school. The special resource-room, psychological service, theater and creative groups are also available and serve for the support of the education and social integration of the children with special needs.

Photos can be viewed here: