On December 8, 2011 Journalists for Future – Southeast European Cooperative Initiative unveiled Democracy and Freedom Watch, a new English language website, in Courtyard Marriott Hotel. This online publication, which was created with the support from the Open Society Georgia Foundation, is an unbiased and reliable source of information for the diplomatic corps accredited to Georgia, international institutions, foreign researchers interested in human rights, legislative proposals and the election environment in Georgia, representatives of the international media and the political establishment.
The website aims to support democratic processes, create public platforms and deliver unbiased information to the English speaking reader. The website provides analysis and news about up to one hundred topics. The reader will be able to learn experts’ opinion and read news about human rights. The webpage will provide coverage of IDPs and territorial integrity related issues on a regular basis. Experts in different fields will offer analysis of ongoing processes regarding legislation and Parliament and deal with political balance issues.
Project author, Lasha Tughushi said: “This website is the platform for all those people who have many things to say. We are thinking of filling the current gap – the opinion, analysis and information gap. When I talk with foreign experts and representatives of academic circles I understand that there is a lack of information about Georgia outside the country, which gets in the way of making right analysis. I think that our website is the reliable alternative source of information”.