Health Care Legislation – Research and Analysis


In 2011, the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) carried out the ‘Health Care Legislation Research and Analysis’ project as part of its Law, Media and Health Initiative.

The project aimed to bring current health care laws in line with international standards and improve them through supporting their implementation.  A report drawn up as part of the project was unveiled to the public in the OSGF office on December 21, 2011.

‘Health Care Law Research and Analysis’ reflects discrepancies between normative acts of Georgia (both among legislative normative acts and between legislative normative acts and subordinate legislation); incompliance between existing normative acts and international legislation, lack of transparency of norms in normative acts, their general character, difficulties with their interpretation and implementation, lack of subordinate legislation on the issues that shall be regulated by subordinate legislation under the existing legislative normative acts.  As part of the project, the best western practice was studied and compared with current legislation.  As a result, recommendations were drawn up on the improvement of patient-focused legislation and its implementation.

See attached material