Media organizations’ appeal to the President of Georgia and Chairman of Parliament


Source: Web page This Affects You Too (Available in Georgian)

On May 22, media organizations operating in Georgia organized a news conference on the legislative proposals submitted to Parliament of Georgia by This Affects You Too campaigners. The organizations suggest that the amendments would significantly improve the media environment, which in turn would have a curative effect on the election environment.

The media organizations issued a statement in which they urge the President of Georgia and Chairman of Parliament to launch shortly the consideration of the legislative proposals submitted to Parliament on May 7. “We think that the amendments will create equal conditions for media outlets, they will secure equal rights for political parties during the election campaign and most importantly, Georgian citizens will have equal access to TV media. This will help voters make an informed choice during the coming Parliamentary elections”, reads the statement.

The appeal is signed by 72 media organizations operating in Georgia, including 26 TV companies, 24 newspapers, 8 internet publications, 11 NGOs focusing on media issues and 3 independent journalists.


This Affects You Too campaigner NGOs and media organizations launched the second stage of the campaign on May 7, 2012. The campaign calls for amendments to the Election Code and improvement of a media environment in the election period. As part of the campaign, on May 7, the campaign participants submitted the package bill to Parliament of Georgia. On the same day, the legislative proposals were considered by the Parliament bureau, after which the package was submitted to the Legal Issues Committee of Parliament. On May 17, the package was introduced to international organizations and political parties.

Related media: Organizations Request Parliament to Examine Draft Bill Worked Out within This Concern You Campaign, by  Nata Dzvelishvili. 22.05.2012