On December 11th, the Economic Policy Research Centre published an analysis 2013 Draft Budget of Georgia. The report, prepared within 10 days period provides analysis of how the recently elected Government reflects the state economic challenges in the major financial documents, and provides recommendations on the possible
As the analysis prompt, draft budget of 2013 already reveals certain collision between the ask of economic growth and that of social equality. Authors believe that existed collision should be solved in favor of the former, since task of social equality can never be achieved without economic growth. ‘After analyzing the budget, we get an impression, that the new government will have to become more realistic already during next budget cycle and to admit, that rapid fulfillment of major part of pre-election promises is not feasible. We believe, that it would be much more rational rather than throwing billions of GEL in unreasonable expenses.’ Lasha Dolidze, representative of Economic Policy Research Centre, says.
The present document assesses 2013 budget according to size and degree of funding priority lines; it also provides brief analysis of the budget in general context of macroeconomic development. A number of recommendations and findings are made as a result of analysis priority fields. While working on the analysis EPRC has used the 2012 draft budget, materials on 2011 and 2012 budgets and BDD.
The report was prepared at the initiative and with the support of the Open Society Georgia Foundation
See the full report in English language- http://www.csf.ge/files/publications/budget%202013/Draft_budget_2013_ENG.pdf