Business Incubator – Estonian Experience



On November 24, in Tbilisi, in the Plaza of the D Business Complex, within the framework of the Partnership Project of Caucasus University and Tallinn University, invited Estonian specialists have conducted training dedicated to matters of medium business development and establishment of so called business nurseries. The project has been implemented with financial support from the East-East Program and aims to share experience Estonian specialists have with regards to small and medium business development along with consultations to be provided both individually and via trainings. 

During the event, invited experts paid special attention to the following subjects: what are business incubators and what are their basic features? What is the role of the incubator in the business development? Whence should incubators be funded? Who is to establish incubators and what is required for their establishment?  

The meeting was laden with practical cases as well. Conclusive part of the event has been devoted to questions and answers and discussion. As trainees have remarked, event in question was interesting and useful not only for the development of their own businesses, but good in general providing support to Georgian business. Representatives of 54 organizations attended the event held in Tbilisi. Similar events have been planned for Adjara region as well.  

It should be noted that Estonia is offering its support to Georgia in different aspects for quite a long time. Within the framework of the East-East Program several joint Estonian-Georgian projects are being carried out right now devoted to support of people with limited abilities, as well as issues of psychical health and student self-governance issues. 

Tamar Tsereteli
Civil Society Support Program