Ciné-DOC Tbilisi Documentary Film Festival in South Caucasus


Ciné-DOC Tbilisi Documentary Film Festival – is the first international documentary festival in the South of Caucasus that focuses on creative documentary. The festival will take place from 15 – 20 October 2013 in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. The general audience will have the chance to view a variety of documentary films with a unique directing vision, an original visual style, sympathetic protagonists and powerful stories. Ciné-DOC means creative documentary at its best.

The festival will present award winning films from outside of Georgia as well as local and regional productions.

The festival contains different sections:

–       The International Documentary Competition

–       Focus Caucasus

–       Georgian Panorama

–       CinéDOC Young

The film screenings will be followed by open discussions and debates, master classes with renowned film directors, open sessions with invited international guests.

For more details click here.