Employer: Open Society Georgia Foundation
Position: Server administrator (server administration from work place or home)
Duration: 5 months (half-time, from launching central server of public information)
Deadline for application submission: November 24, 2007, 21:00
The project “Towards establishment of internet transparency” of OSGF program “The Rule of law and Public Administration” has been implemented since 2006. The project aims at establishing practice of publication and reception of public information electronically and promotion of e-management. To meet these aims, relevant draft law was elaborated which including other duties, foresees integration and filing of existing public information in the central database of Public information. A standard form of public institution web-site and minimal technical parameters were elaborated. In the second phase of the project which will be launched in 2008, it is planned to equip and operate local information centers in Georgian regions that will give possibility to the population to search for and obtain public e-information free of charge.
Job description:
The contract will be signed for 5 months duration (halftime, upon launching public information central server)
Monthly salary: USD 600
Interested candidates should submit their CVs to [email protected], indicating “Server admin” in the title line.
Applications will be accepted before 21:00, November 24, 1007
In case of inquiries, please contact Project Coordinator Giorgi Jokhadze at: [email protected]