Open Society Georgia Foundation announces a competition


The Open Society Foundation of Georgia (OSGF) announces a competition within the framework of the project: “Strengthening Civil Society and Professional Organizations in Georgia in Order to Ensure a Safe, Secure and Accountable Society” that is funded by the European Union, and invites interested persons/organizations to participate in a 3-stage competition [1]


At the first stage of the competition will be selected civil activists, initiative groups, and non-governmental and community organizations, whose representatives will receive training on harm reduction, prevention, rights-based drug policy, and advocacy;

In the second stage, a small grant competition will be announced for training;

In the third stage, financial management training will be provided to grant recipients/initiative groups or civil/community organization representatives.


The training objective is to:

Provide opportunities for civil society representatives and activists, community and non-governmental organization representatives to deepen their knowledge of law enforcement agencies, educational system and related personnel capacity building, health service providers and health system capacity building, substance abuse prevention strategies and intervention mechanisms, drug-related legislation and policy change regarding the development of the thematic, technical and organizational capacities of advocacy and public organizations; Also about financial and project management of the project.

Immediately upon completion of the first stage of training, a small grants program will be announced for the participants, which will allow participants to implement small-budget (within 10,000-30,000 USD) and short-term projects in the field of harm reduction and drug policy.


The training methodology is as follows:

Interactive training, group work, and individual presentations, as well as presentation and analysis of successful cases.


Duration of training:

2 full working days, from 10 am to 6 pm. The training is scheduled to be held on November 8-9, 2022. In case of a change of dates, the selected participants will be informed.

The location of the training is Tbilisi. Both direct participation and remote (hybrid) formats are provided.

Applications for participation in the training shall be accepted from representatives of non-governmental and community organizations and activists, both from Tbilisi and from the regions.


Receiving applications:

Applicants should send the completed application to the e-mail address: [email protected]



Deadline for submission of applications:

November 2, 2022, 3:00 p.m. Please indicate “Competition: Training EU-OSGF 2022” in the subject line of the email. Please note that the materials submitted for the competition shall not be returned to the authors.

Contact person: Irma Khabazi, Public Health Program Manager

Participants will be selected based on submitted applications.


Please note:

Only fully completed applications will be considered.

The Foundation will contact only selected candidates.


[1] Open Society Georgia Foundation is fully responsible for conducting the competition, the content of the competition text, and the selection process; and it may not reflect the views of the European Union.

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