Ethical Challenges of Georgian Media


On November 22, representatives of media outlets, media organizations, Georgian and foreign experts met at the University of Georgia to consider new ethical challenges of media.

The conference agenda involved basically the topics that emerged as a result of media monitoring conducted by the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics and other organizations during the election period. The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics published the summary report of the media monitoring as part of the ‘Media for Fair and Transparent Elections’ project on the conference day.  According to the report throughout the whole period of the monitoring the following key problems were identified: lack of balance, media bias, lack of investigative materials and discussions on real problems of the electorate.

The conference was organized by the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics with the support from the Open Society Georgia Foundation. Co-organizers were: the Council of Europe Office in Georgia and the University of Georgia.

The conference participants discussed the shortcomings identified in the Georgian media as a result of the media monitoring.  Using concrete examples, they considered the standard and practice of the protection of private life and challenges faced by the Georgian Public Broadcaster during and after the election.  The second day of the conference was dedicated to self-regulation mechanisms and their development prospects.


Read, see the video:

‘Media for Fair and Transparent Elections’ – the conference of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics –


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