For the first time in Georgia Open Society Georgia Foundation took initiative to create the curriculum in “Health Care Law


Open Society Georgia Foundation and Open Society institute decided to create the curriculum in “Health Care Law”.
The reason of the decision was lack of methodological literature for teachers and absence of “Health Care Law” as an outstanding field. As it was determined in the project “Law, Media and Health”, since 2007 Foundation has began working on the curriculum that is intended for the faculties of Law and Health.
Georgian and foreign expert and the project co-coordinator Nino Kiknadze, with in the frameworks of the project, had elaborated the first part of the “Health Care Law” that contains the material about human rights, patients and doctors rights, public health care, health care financing and media communications.  
The Curriculum also contains materials about stigmas and social minority rights. “Law, Media and Health” project is still working to improve and polish the “health care law” curriculum.