Gori Resource Centre for IDPs – Presentation



The project is being implemented by Association “Biliki” which has been operating since 1997 and supports realization of creative potential of the youth, assistance to socially unprotected and street children for their physical, educational and psychological welfare.
The goal of the resource center established with support of OSGF is to promote civil education of young displaced persons as a result of August war and their integration in the local society.

The project will run for 10 month and within its frame 14 to 18 years old residents of Gori will get involved in various activities.
They will undergo a training on following topics:

  • Children’s rights;
  • Leadership;
  • How to start own small business;
  • Successful relations and conflict management;
  • Voluntarism.

Within the project framework it is planned to organize meeting of the youth with interesting people, discussions on topical issues which will be held with facilitation of young volunteers. Project participant young persons will have access to the library and computer centre at the resource centre. Further it is planned to organize some field activities together with the members of children’s club of the society “Biliki”.


Tamar Tsereteli
Civil Society Support Program