How to manage effectively the cases related to drug addicts


The experts from Russia and Ukraine provided the training participants with the basic principles that will help to deal with the concrete cases of drug dependence. The training was attended by staff of the Institute on Drug Abuse, and non-governmental organizations “New Way”, “Step Forward” and “Xenon”. These organizations provide psychological consultations to drug addicts and in case of necessity help them in getting qualified medical assistance.

The trainers paid particular attention to the principles of “Case Management” and social support and accompaniment. They spoke about the process and methods of “Case Management”, evaluated the individual needs of the patients, and individually discussed the action plan and the issue of service cards as well as the principles of social coverage and documentation of the working process.

The cases of the so called “burn-out syndrome” are rather frequent among drug dependent patients and this syndrome might be a hazard for the staff working with such patients as well. The last day of the training was dedicated to the main principles of prevention and control of the “burn-out syndrome”. The training included group sessions and practical exercises. Participants got familiar with the basic skills needed to manage stress and get rid of negative emotions.

During the training the participants chose several patients, who are helped by the Institute on Drug Abuse and “Xenon” and evaluated their needs.

 The training will support the successful implementation of the OSI funded project – “Integration of Harm Reduction into the process of treatment of drug users”. The main goal of the project is to create a unique model of medical-psychosocial assistance based on “case management” in order to make the qualified medical assistance available for the drug addicted patients.
