I do not recognize barriers and opt for equal opportunities! – this was the motto for an International Day of People with Disabilities (PWD) marked on December 3.
People with different disabilities got together in the Sports Palace on December 3. The event was organized by the Movement for Accessible Environment and supported by the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) and the British Embassy.
December 3 started by an integrated march-marathon from Saakadze Square to the Sports Palace.
The Sports Palace hosted several expositions – a photo-exhibition, exhibition and sale of beneficiaries’ paintings and hand-made items, a match in wheelchair basketball, integrated orchestra performance, performances by people with hearing and speech disabilities, a live music concert of the most popular young Georgian bands, including Z for Zulu, ZurGi and Landmark.
Different day centers and organizations working on the protection of PWD rights participated in the events dedicated to the International Day of PWD. The events were organized and held jointly with partner organizations from friendly states (Armenia, Turkey and Iran). Their common slogan was – I do not recognize barriers and opt for equal opportunities!
The world has marked the International PWD Day for decades on December 3 to support and promote the rights, equality and dignity of PWD.
Georgia still faces problems in terms of PWD ability to exercise their rights, their integration into the public, equal access to social benefits, public awareness and quality of knowledge about the issue.
Often PWD face barriers because of a discriminatory environment rather than a lack of their resources. This causes damage not only to the PWD community but also to the whole society because it is loosing a lot of human resources.
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Movement for Accessible Environment was established more than a year ago by people with spinal cord injuries. Its mission is to advocate for PWD rights to make sure they have equal access to public benefits. The movement has implemented a number of projects.
„Public unity and unanimity is vital for the actual improvement of the quality of PWD life and protection of their rights,” say organization members.
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