the study, in some individual cases, the public information provided by the Labor Inspection Service is not complete and fails to fully respond to the request of the person concerned. For example, the Service did not submit the list of the organizations inspected in the period of January-July 2023 and the protocols of administrative violations drawn up against them for the reason that the results of the inspections carried out in this period and the materials of the proceedings drawn up were at the stage of processing. It should be underlined that the Service does not provide timely information concerning industrial accidents.
This study was prepared by “Law and Public Policy Center” with the financial support of the Open Society Georgia Foundation. The views, opinions, and statements expressed by the authors are theirs only and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Foundation. Therefore, the Open Society Georgia Foundation is not responsible for the content of the study.
Authors of the study: Mariam Kukava, Ketevan Kukava
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