Lecture on Child Abuse and Protection


On October 27, with the support of Open Society Georgia Foundation and East East beyond Borders Program, Emeritus Professorof Community Paediatricsfrom Kings College, London- Margaret Lynch held a lecture on Child Abuse for school teachers and specialists in the field of education.

Margaret Lynch visited Georgia within the framework of the project Working Together to Stop Child Abuse: Cooperation across Three Caucasus Countries implemented with the financial support of East East beyond Borders Program.

During the lecture, Professor Lynch made an overview of different forms of Child Abuse, such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse as well as exploitation and neglect. She explained the importance of the multidisciplinary approach and the systems of child protection by addressing the following main questions: why child abuse and neglect need the multidisciplinary and cross sector response; what exactly the multidisciplinary approach means; how a multidisciplinary response will protect the best interests of the child; the role of organisations (schools, health clinics, social work services, police departments, etc.) in support of the multidisciplinary approach etc. In addition, Professor Lynch shared a few successful cases of the multidisciplinary approach.

Professor Lynch explained that the multidisciplinary system should be based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, national laws, the competence and confidence of professionals and understanding and support from the community. This system is important in terms of developing unified definitions and terminology; ensuring that everyone knows how to deal with cases of child abuse and neglect; supporting cooperation between various sectors and defining the role and responsibilities of each sector; developing the structure of preventive strategy; and taking particular steps in accordance with individual cases. In light of these points, the system becomes the guarantor that each case of child abuse and neglect is addressed with an appropriate complex approach.

The special role and responsibility of teachers in protecting children from abuse and neglect was emphasized. This system and approach obligate the teacher to protect the child. However, not only teachers, but also parents and the society must learn about alternative ways to control, manage, and educate children.

“Multidisciplinary system of child protection can be compared to the construction of bridges, where each and every issue requires a complex approach and coordinated work of a number of sectors, in order to avoid ‘the fall’ of unprotected child into ‘gaps’ left due to carelessness and neglect” – Margaret Lynch said.

About Margaret Lynch

Margaret Lynch – Emeritus Professor of Community Paediatrics from Kings College, London, has been working on the issues of child abuse and protection for many years. Professor visited Georgia as a consultant within the framework of the project Working Together to Stop Child Abuse: Cooperation across Three Caucasus Countries implemented with the financial support of East East beyond Borders Program.

Lectures on the topic of Child Abuse and Protection for students and journalists will also be organized.

19th November is World Day for Prevention of Abuse and Violence against Children.