Newly Established Media Centre ensures dissemination of timely and accurate information


On initiative and with the financial support of OSGF program of The Rule of Law and Public Administration, has been established Media Centre; its aims is to disseminate timely and accurate information concerning monitoring of the presidency election held on January 5, to provide consultations to electorate on election procedures and obtain information from them about possible violations.

On December 26, was held the presentation of Media centre, financially supported by Open Society Georgia Foundation.
During the presentation, attended by the representatives of Mass Media, the heads of founding organization discussed the key objectives of the Media Centre and immediate plans for implementation of monitoring by these organizations throughout pre-election or election period.
The chief aim of establishing Media centre is to disseminate timely and accurate information on monitoring of the presidential election on January 5, 2008, to provide electorate with the consultations about election procedures and to obtain information from them about possible violations.

The centre will be providing information to Mass media and simultaneously updating its web-page: with news. Hot line will be operating at Media Centre enabling voters to contact the centre and provide information about possible violations or flaws as well as get consulted about election procedures. Media Centre will be working from December 26, 2007 until declaration of the final results of election.