NGO Media Center Operating during Election Days


NGO Media Center launched operation on October 6. On October 8 and 9, Media center hosted briefings from 8 non-governmental organizations. The monitors from Georgian Young Lawyers Association, Transparency International, International Center for Civic Culture,   Human Rights Center, Center for Development and Democracy, International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy, Public Advocacy and Public Movement “Multinational Georgia”  have been deployed throughout the whole country covering the whole process of Parliamentary Elections, 2016.

The representatives from monitoring NGO’s provided detailed and accurate information on the electoral process, throughout the whole day on October 8, and the day after the elections, October 9.  In total, 36 briefings took place.

Supported by Open Society Foundation, NGO Media center was located on the premises of Information center on NATO and EU.

The briefings were broadcasted live via the Foundation’s You Tube Channel and Media Center FB page.

Key findings provided at briefings on October 8 and 9:

Parallel Vote Tabulation Results (PVT)– ISFED, October 9

Assessment of October 8, 2016 Parliamentary Elections– Transparency Intertnational Georgia, October 9

Election process assessment (07:00-20:00)– Transparency International Georgia, October 9

Results of the Polling Day Observation as of 6:00 pm– Georgian Young Lawyers Association, October 8

Preliminary Assessment by Public Movement “Multinational Georgia”, October 9