No Pain in Our Families- the launch of the campaign


2011 is announced as the Global Year against Acute Pain. The Declaration of Montréal of 2010 recognizes pain relief as a basic human right and says that every human being, without any discrimination should be eligible to adequate pain treatment.

With the support of the Open Society Georgia Foundation and Open Society Foundations the civil groups launched a nation-wide campaign entitled “No Pain in Our Families.” Its goal is to advocate for the fundamental human right to life without pain and create an environment where every human being has access to quality pain management.

Although the acute pain is treatable with currently available medications and techniques, a large gap between evidence and practice results in widespread under-treatment. Treatment of pain in Georgia is no exception. The local medical sector lacks practice in pain management and outdated attitudes towards enduring pain persist.

The campaign aims at creating demand for less painful medical care at the grassroots level. We believe that this will push policy makers and health care officials to introduce modern pain management methodologies.

In order to inform Georgian society that life without pain is not just a dream, but a basic human right, we launched the website Within 24 hours of its launch, over two thousand users had registered their support on it. The web site is interactive and all the visitors have an opportunity of sharing their pain experience on the main wall.

The Nanuka’s Show, one of the most popular and famous programs in Georgia was the first who covered the launch of the campaign. By the end of November the campaign will be moved to regions where the students will engage citizens in street actions and disseminate promotional materials.

Follow the link to get more information on the campaign.