Open Society Institute Responds to Crisis in Haiti


The Open Society Institute stands in solidarity with the people of Haiti as the country struggles to recover from the devastating earthquake that struck on January 12, 2010.

Working with FOKAL, our foundation in Haiti, the Open Society Institute intends to play a leadership role in the country’s redevelopment. In response to the immediate crisis, OSI is giving an initial four million dollars to support the relief efforts for disaster victims. Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children, CARE, and Catholic Relief Services will receive one million dollars each. These are organizations doing lifesaving work in Haiti.

George Soros is a longtime supporter of Haiti. He has given some $50 million dollars through his foundations to support public libraries, community water programs, and other projects including urban revitalization in Port-au-Prince. The Soros Economic Development Fund, a sister foundation that works to alleviate poverty, has helped thousands of Haitian entrepreneurs secure microcredit loans.

Our hearts and thoughts are with Haiti. The Open Society Institute will continue to monitor events and seek creative ways to help the people of Haiti rebuild their lives and communities.


The Fondation Connaissance et Liberté (FOKAL) seeks to unite civil society across Haiti and nurture local and international alliances to restore peace, foster economic development, and promote urban revitalization. It is also a leading supporter within Haiti of youth and education, community libraries, and arts and culture.

Open Society Institute, New York Office

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