OSGF Announces Re-opening of the National Arts & Culture Program


OSGF recognizes the need for strengthening arts and culture as an essential element of civil society and considers critical to re-open the Arts and Culture National Program.  The Program will be based on principles of diversity, accessibility, participation and partnerships.  It will pay particular attention to supporting the work of a new generation of artists, new art and new ideas.

The overall goal of the program is to foster the development of arts and culture sector that will contribute to building and maintaining open society.  The program will focus on the following priorities:

  1. Support Development of the National Cultural Policy  -development and enforcement of cultural policy which enables pluralism, diversity, independence, and freedom of the arts and artists;
  2. Enhancement of Cultural Heritage and Traditional Arts-enhancement of cultural heritage and traditional arts through contemporary creativity;
  3. Promotion of Civic Values through Arts and Culture-promotion of civil values and creating new opportunities for citizens and communities to participate in a wide variety of arts and cultural activities.

These three priority areas are interconnected and work together for mutual benefit. 

View the program’s strategy to learn more on program’s main directions.