Policy Paper: “The Loan Component of the Post-War Pledge: an Evaluation”



At the post-war donors conference approximately USD 3 billion of the USD 4.8 billion [1] total pledge took the form of loans. Half of the loan was pledged to the government and the other half was allocated to help support private companies. This policy paper provides a general overview of loan component of the pledge and in so doing examines the following questions:

  • How much of the pledged money is committed?
  • How much of the pledged loan would have come to Georgia if the war had not happened?
  • Which sectors does the loan prioritize and how does that compare to the priorities of the JNA?
  • What is the overall impact of the increase in government loans on the economy?

This paper has been prepared by Dr. George Welton within the scopes of the Open Society Georgia Foundations project as a part of the Transparent Foreign Aid to Georgia Coalition. Founders and member organizations of the Coalition are: “Eurasia Partnership Foundation”, “Economic Policy Research Center”, “Civitas Georgica”, “Green Alternative”, “Transparency International Georgia”, “Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association”, “Open Society Georgia Foundation” and independent experts.





For questions and comments, please contact
Irina Lashkhi at [email protected]
Open Society Georgia Foundation http://www.csf.ge/  http://www.transparentaid.ge/

Irina Lashkhi
Human Rights and Good Governance Program, Budget Transparency direction