Protection of Human Rights in Healthcare


On  February 3, 2013 the Coalition “Human Rights in Health Care” held a workshop for lawyers “Human Rights Protection in Health Care through Mediation”.  At the workshop, 30 practitioner lawyers had an opportunity to discuss the issues such as recognizing a person as a legally incapable, legal problems in psychiatry, rights of disabled persons, juvenile delinquents, limited mental incompetence etc.

The  judges, lawyers and health care experts led the workshop. 

The Coalition “Human Rights in Health Care” was founded in 2009 with the support from the Open Society Georgia Foundation.  It seeks to develop and implement programs supporting human rights in health care, especially the rights of marginal groups of the population (prisoners, HIV-infected persons, drug addicts, people with mental disorders, people with limited abilities, terminally ill patients etc.), which it believes is necessary for the humane and productive life in democratic society.