Statement of the Civil Organizations of Georgia
August 21, 2008
The events that have been taking place in Georgia in August 2008 have been unanimously recognized by the civilized world as Russia’s open military aggression against Georgia. Russia decided to punish the small neighboring county, which has been striving to become a modern developed state. Despite the military aggression of an unthinkable scale Georgia refused to give up such values as freedom, statehood, rule of law, civil society and democratic governance.
Georgia’s aspiration to be a part of Europe is not a self-fulfilling goal. This is the only way for our country to establish real democracy, to save and develop Georgian society and statehood. Democratic development is a precondition for achieving welfare and justice in our society.
Today we have to remember that we have already passed the most critical period of the recent developments. Right now a key battle is taking place in our minds. Our resistance to the existing situation and civil solidarity are preconditions for ensuring that Russian occupational troops leave Georgia in the nearest future.
There is no time for judgment right now. Today the entire society has to unite to achieve a single objective – to force Russian occupational forces out of Georgia. Time will come for open discussions and analysis of the recent developments, which will lead us to the conclusions on how our country should develop in the future.
Today we, representatives of the civil society have to
• Get organized for assisting the people who suffered as a result of the assault. We have to demonstrate our solidarity and sympathy with individuals who have been displaced;
• Remain calm and confident and demonstrate civil dignity. No weapon can defeat people’s resistance and sense of dignity. Our unity and solidarity are preconditions for future success of the Georgian state.
The statement is open for signing.