On 25 January 2014 the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs hosted a meeting between the young people from Tbilisi and Akhalkalaki and representatives of Georgian Young Constitutionalists’ Association.
The meeting was held as part of Levan Mikeladze Foundation’s project: Supporting Youth Initiatives in Ethnic Minorities.
Tornike Cheishvili of Young Constitutionals’ Association talked about the role of youth in the introduction of democratic governance. He shared the experience of his organization with the students and talked about the progress reached in the direction of youth involvement.
The meeting proved interesting and informative for the students: “You become stronger and more willing to do more every time you hear about other’s success, this is especially true for us, because through such meetings we get new information and at the same time meet interesting people and build new contacts, said Artak Eresian from Akhalkalaki.
The project Supporting Youth Initiatives in Ethnic Minorities of the Levan Mikeladze Foundation aims to support ethnic minorities living in Georgia (Akhalkalaki, Marneuli and Tbilisi), contribute to youth integration and their active involvement in the public life.
The project aims to look into the needs of ethnic minorities and challenges faced by them, organize discussions for young people, share experience, hold training sessions on civil education, local self-governance and other issues, support joint activities, initiatives and advocacy efforts.