Supporting of Open Society Georgian Foundation and OSI was created „Health Law“ curriculum for law and medical students



About the necessity of the learning course

Current Georgian legislation on patient’s rights complies with international standards. Along with national legislation the international legal documents on human rights in the field of health care are recognized and ratified.

Unfortunately, the entire community including health care professionals, lawyers, and journalists are poorly informed about the mentioned legislation. In many cases, medical personnel run professional activities without taking into account ethical principles regulating relationships between patient and physician (doctor). On the other hand, Georgian legislation in the field of patient’s rights are regularly violated. The sociological researches that has been undertaken in Georgia during the last 3-4 years prove the above mentioned 

Objectives and format of the learning course

The law can be an effective way for increasing public awareness, involvement, and accountability in the health care sphere. The law and lawful strategy play the principle role in the health care system. The power of law and its effectiveness forms the basis for correct allocation of health care resources, increase public awareness, and establishing globally recognized attitudes and approaches of health care strategy.  Educating students about ethical and legislative basis of patient-doctor relationships and current legislation regulating these relationships; helping students in exercising basic skills in ethical and legislative analysis related to specific cases; motivating students to deepen their knowledge and acquire necessary skills in the mentioned field. Course format and learning methods The learning course divided on 5 modules and includes 12 lectures, 48 academic hours. Each lecture includes 3 academic hours.

Module #1Health Care Law, Patients, Marginalized Groups and Medical Representatives Rights. Health Related Legislation
Module #2Health Policy and Politics
Module #3Human Rights and Health, litigation, Social Stress, Stigma and Health
Module #4Public Health and Law
Module #5Health Care law and It’s Communication




 Health Care Law, Patient’s, Marginalized Groups and Provider’s Rights 
·          Review of course; what is the Health care Law? Components of Health Care Law;·        Legal forms /basis/ of health care providers in Georgia; General review of health related legislation;
·         The role of law and ethics in providing medical services;·        Patient’s individual rights and Georgian legislation on Patient’s rights; Capability of the patient and ability of making realized decisions;
·         Health Care Policy;·        Review of foreign countries practice;       –  Reforms taking place in Georgia
·         Euthanasia and Law. Review of Foreign practice;·         Biomedical Research, Law and Ethic
·         Patient’s Care and Human Rights;                  –   HIV/Aids and Human Rights;  ·         Marginalized Groups Rights;                          –   Palliative Care;
Health Care Policy
·         Health Care Policy;·         Review of foreign countries practice;       –  Reforms taking place in Georgia          
·         Health Care Financing;                             –  Patient Safety; ·         Regulation /accreditation, certification and licensing/
Doctor’s Responsibility and Claim for damage for patients, Social Stress, Stigma and Health
·         Litigation; Case Law
·         Health related articles from Criminal Code of Georgia;·         Malpractice
·         Stress and psycho-social environment- History Overview·         Social Stress and its structure;·         The opportunities for reducing social stress;·         Heath of Sexual Minorities ;·         Stigma;
Component of Public Health
·         Public Health-definition, focus, concept;·         Determinants of public health;·         Basic functions of public health;·         Public health practice                           –  Obligation of the state upon ensuring the health of the communityExercise #1: Health condition of the populationExercise #2: Determinants of Public Health in Georgia
·         Human rights and public health;·         Individual’s rights and public health (mandatory examination esting, immunization, quarantine, and isolation)           Exercise #3: Individual’s rights and public health
·         International Regulation of Health (International Law on infectious diseases);·         Biological terrorism and public health;·         International convention on Tobacco control;·         Georgian legislation versus international regulations on healthExercise #4: Shortcomings of Tobacco Control legislation in Georgia
.·         Bioethic·        Legal and ethical problems of death and euthanasia
Health Care Law and It’s Communication
·         Health and Journalism principles of journalism;·         Specific methods of covering health care issues;·         Diversity coverage principles;·         Journalism and Medical Ethics; False in Health Care;·