The joint program “start business by the support of Tbilisi city hall” of Tbilisi city hall and Open society Georgia Foundation is currently on its pass.Project will give you an opportunity to start or extend your business. The project foresees training for volunteers to gain and develop abilities and skills for business,also supporting beginners to get sum necessary to start a business and business consultations. Project will finance commercially interesting projects, which supports:- Development of Tbilisi joined territories and old Tbilisi.
– Creation of new working places
– Introduction of new techniques.
– Development of tourism.
– Development of manufacture.
– Give Tbilisi population ecologically clean production produced in different regions of Georgia.
The project participant should satisfy the following requirements
– Should be the Tbilisi registered inhabitant or should have the business registered in Tbilisi
– Should have its own capital in order not to be 100% dependent on credit loan.
– To ensure the credit participant should have its own or there’d person guarantee.
For further information visit the Tbilisi city hall website.