Teaching “Health and Human Rights” subject as an independent discipline at GIPA
Open Society Georgian Foundation- “Law, Media and Health” project, with support of experts has prepared “Health and Human Rights” curriculum. Since 2007, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA), according to prepared curriculum established “Health and Human Rights” subject as an independent discipline for law students, master degree program.
“Health and Human Rights” subject includes 5 major modules:
1) Health and Health Policy;
2) Health and Human Rights – patients, marginalized groups and health provider’s rights, health related legislation;
3) Health and International Human Rights, remedies,, litigation process, stigma and health;
4) Public Health and Human Rights;
5) Health and Human Rights and its communication.
With the support of OSI, NY – “law and Health Initiative” Ms. Judy Overall /expert of health and human rights/ was visited at GIPA. Ms. Judy discussed with students about prepared curriculum and necessity of teaching “Health and Human rights”.
Nino Kiknadze
Public Health Program