On July 30 a meeting with the representatives of the Youth parliament of Tskhinvali region was held at Open society Georgia Foundation Office.The youth parliament was established within the framework of the project “The Youth parliament of Tskhinvali region” supported by Integration and Civil education program and implemented by the organization “Friendship Bridge Kartlos”. On the basis of election the young people from 22 schools of Tskhinvali were selected to constitute the youth parliament in terms of the project. The parliament is composed of pupils in the age group of 14 -18; several committees were established the members of which shall initiate projects for the benefit of the society. The members of the youth parliament are undergoing trainings on strategic development of the organization and education on the politics.During the meeting at the Foundation the young people discussed own experience related to project activities as well as problems existing in region and their vision of the problem solution.
Giga Zedania
Integration and Civic Education Program