The students of Telavi State University play roles of attorney and public prosecutor in a modeled court



Within the framework of the project “Public prosecutor”, with support of General prosecutor and Open Society Georgia Foundation, on initiative of Telavi district prosecutor, the simulated court proceedings were organized at Telavi state University.  At the first stage, 18 team members selected on the test basis played the roles of attorney and prosecutor. Simulated procedures proved to be interesting. Most of the teams presented themselves well and eventually 6 teams were selected out of them for final cases. Following criteria were applied to assessment of participants in the second round: knowledge of procedures, organizing court process, knowledge of case related material, skill. Accordingly the winner teams were identified (court, attorney, and prosecutor). The best judge, the best state prosecutor and best lawyer were nominated. Winner teams and participants were awarded diplomas and gifts.


Tmar Kaldani, Davit Metreveli
Rule of Law and Public Administration Program