‘This Affects You Too’ Calls on the Government to React to Violations Taking Place in the Pre-election Period


NGOs and media organizations involved in ‘This Affects You Too’ campaign issued a statement during a news conference on June 13. They call upon the government in the statement to react consistently and impartially to violations taking place in the pre-election period. Please, see the text of the statement, which is provided without any alterations:

The source: ‘This Affects You Too’ (available in Georgian)

“In the opinion of NGOs and media organizations involved in ‘This Affects You Too’ campaign, for the past period the Chamber of Control of Georgia, court and the Prosecutor’s Office have displayed a biased and inconsistent approach in their activities against political parties. Charges brought against representatives of the parties and their supporters by the given authorities and sanctions imposed on them are often based on not sufficiently grounded facts or assumptions. The process of imposing sanctions by the law enforcement agencies is taking place at an accelerated pace, which hinders the comprehensive investigation of circumstances and proper exercise of the right of defense. 

Even though civil society has unanimously demanded access to pluralistic media, restrictions are being imposed on the ways of disseminating and receiving information, often on political grounds.

As the key task for all NGOs and medial organizations involved in the campaign is to ensure fair and calm environment for parliamentary elections as well as steady political processes, we call upon:

The President of Georgia to apply adequate measures shortly to ensure a fair election and media environment. Otherwise, the legitimacy of future Parliament may raise doubts.

The Chamber of Control to re-examine their biased approach in the process of monitoring the parties; to make assessments based on the circumstances that are thoroughly studied and are legally and factually grounded; act equally quickly to respond to cases of breaching laws both by opposition parties and ruling party representatives and their supporters and hold them equally accountable.

The court to investigate cases thoroughly and objectively; make sure that parties are treated equally, give them proper time to get ready for court proceedings and provide evidence; take into account increased public interest and allow interested persons to attend trials; be especially careful when applying detention measures.

The Prosecutor’s Office to look into that facts of political score-settling against citizens and interfering with the work of journalists, which have been provided by NGOs and media organizations and which have signs of crime.

The Interdepartmental Commission to provide recommendations regarding the responsibility of respective officials for using administrative resources, exerting pressure on political grounds and exposing facts of intimidation.”


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