Webpage about Volunteering


In spring 2011 the Open Society Georgia Foundation announced a grant competition: “Support for Youth Involvement in Public Life”.  As part of the competition nine projects were funded.  Projects differ from each other but all of them have one mission, which is involving young people in civil activity and increasing their influence in the decision-making process.

As part of one of the projects Volunteer Information Center has been created.  The project is implemented by the civil society development union “Borjgalo”.  The purpose of the project is to increase the level of awareness of young people on volunteering in Adjara, involve young people in volunteering activity and develop effective tools of communication between interested young people and organizations.

As part of the above mentioned project the webpage www.VOLUNTEERING.ge has been developed, which is the best source for those who would like to get information about volunteering.  The webpage provides information about volunteering starting from the definition of the term “volunteering” finished by details about the school of volunteers.  Citizens will also be able to learn about personal experience and interesting stories of volunteers.  One of the links leads us to the blogs, where we can find posts related to the topic.