Workshop on HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C in Georgian Prisons, held in Sheraton Metechi Palace




The meeting objective was to provide representatives of the Ministry of justice of Georgia and Punitive department with the information on alternative measures for prevention of HIV and Hepatitis C prevalence in prisons and drug addiction treatment, HIV testing, antiretroviral treatment.
The meeting participants were experts of WHO and Canadian HIV/AIDS legal network, Moldovan department of prison, Drug addiction institute of The Netherlands, first deputy Minister of Justice, Tina Burjaliani, first deputy Minister of Health, Irakli Giorgobiani, deputy head of The Parliamentary committee of health and social affairs, Gigi Tsereteli, Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs, the head of country coordination council of The global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria projects.

  Event Press-release (download)   


Tea Axobadze
National Public Health Program