An Appeal to the Chairman of Parliament of Georgia

9 Feb, 2012

The Coalition for Media Advocacy has issued a statement regarding the MPs’ recent proposal to impose restrictions on videotaping Parliament sittings by journalists. The coalition has sent an appeal to David Bakradze, the Chairman of Parliament of Georgia:

“Mr. David,

The code of conduct set for journalists by the Parliament regulations allows them to report efficiently on Parliament’s activities without interfering with its work.
The Coalition for Media Advocacy deems Parliament members’ initiative, which calls for imposing restrictions on videotaping Parliament sessions by journalists in a new building, unacceptable.

The similar initiative with respect to the government of Georgia and court has led to the restriction of journalists’ rights. The coalition believes this will be another step backwards in terms of democracy, transparency and the freedom of expression. It fears that the move will interfere with citizens’ rights to get unbiased information on the activities of MPs elected by them.

The coalition requests that you meet us to consider the issue.

The Coalition for Media Advocacy”
