A special session was dedicated to discussions of issues related to drug legislation in Georgia and the draft law designed by the group of experts working in terms of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria project. The draft law envisages changes to be entered in the Administrative and Criminal Code of Georgia.
The members of parliament, representatives of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Justice, Donor agencies and experts from Great Britain, Canada, The Czech republic, Hungary as well as representatives from UN Drug Control and crime prevention Vienna headquarter participated in the meeting. The participants emphasized the promptitude of organizing similar event considering the fact of the draft law submittal to the parliament which envisaged particular changes to the drug legislation.
The idea of setting up a working group of experts in the parliament was put forward; the group shall provide consultations around the submitted draft laws. Special speeches were made by Manana Jebashvili, the deputy minister of Labor, Health and Social affairs, Otar Toidze, the head and Gigi Tsereteli, the deputy head of health and social affairs committee of the parliament.
Alternate report on Drug situation for 2006-2007 Harm Reduction Georgia Network (Download in Georgian)
Event Press-release (download in Georgian)
Tea Axobadze
National Public Health Program