Statement: at 17:00, at the parliament - yes to Europe, not to Russian law!

1 May, 2024

Yesterday, on April 30, 2024, at a peaceful demonstration, where citizens were protesting the Russian Law, the Ministry of Internal Affairs started to break up the demonstration without any reason whatsoever. The Ministry of Internal Affairs used disproportionate force against the demonstrators, some of them were beaten, rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray and water cannon were used. Peaceful demonstrators were arrested. Girls, women and children were beaten and injured in various ways. According to the assessment of the public defender, the action had a peaceful character and there was no reason to stop it or use force against it. All detainees will have a lawyer and all necessary assistance will be provided.

This protest went beyond the scope of only protesting the Russian law, and the state’s response also took an illegal and brutal form. A promise made by the founder of the ruling party to start repression after the elections seems to be already being carried out in Russian style. However, the reaction of the people shows that the Georgian people will properly respond to everything Russian.

The fight against the Russian law is entering a decisive phase. It is important that we once again show our abundance, strength and unanimity for the country’s European future, both to the government that has gone beyond the constitution, and to the international community.

We call on the police and other employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs not to carry out illegal orders and not to use force against non-violent protests. This protest serves to ensure a European, peaceful, and happy future for all of us.


We are waiting for you all behind the parliament building from 17:00 today.


Yes to Europe!

No the Russian law!