Electronic transparency in Georgia

25 Feb, 2011

Who: Institute for Development of Freedom of Information

What: Presentation of a new book “Electronic transparency in Georgia”

When: February 28, Monday, 3:00pm

Where:  Open Society Georgia Foundation’s office, Second floor

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information will conduct a presentation of a new book “Electronic transparency in Georgia”. The book was published in the framework of the project   “Monitoring of Governmental Agencies’ Informational Resources (official web-sites)” which was financed by the Open Society Institute and the National Security Archive. The book is related to the tendencies of development of electronic government and electronic transparency in Georgia and worldwide, also to the outcomes of the monitoring of the level of electronic transparency of official web-sites of state agencies in Georgia.

IDFI will also present another publication related to the practice of access to public information in Georgia. Project “Public information database” under which the publication was issued was financed by the “Open Soociety Georgia Foundation”.

Representatives of the state agencies, as well as representatives of the non-governmental and international organizations, diplomatic bodies and the media are invited to the event.


See the news piece on the presentation of the  new web portal Opendata.ge. The web site was launched in the framework of the “”Public information database” project funded by the Open Society Georgia Foundation and provides information on budgets, reserve funds and payroll funds of different ministries as well as bonuses received by ministers and other public officials.