Film Festival “Nationality – human” 2008 calls for partnership for the second festival year


Film Festival “Nationality – human” 2008 calls for partnership for the second festival year

Peace and human rights South Caucasian Film Festival “Nationality – human” 2008 is seeking co-organizers throughout Caucasus.

Coordinator: Mikheil Mirziashvili

  1. Invitation for partnership for the second festival year;
  2. The first similar festival in The South Caucasus;
  3. Further detailed information about Festival;
  4. Philosophy of our Festival;
  5. of our Festival;
  6. Selection of festival films;
  7. Who may become our partners in organizing festival in various places;
  8. What to be done to bring festival “Nationality – Human” to your place?
  9. Application form;
  10. You are totally free in drawing up the budget; however, we would like to give some recommendations

Invitation for partnership for the second festival year

Peace and human rights South Caucasian Film Festival “Nationality – human” 2008 is seeking co-organizers throughout Caucasus.

Festival “Nationality – human”:

  • The first similar festival in The South Caucasus;
  • For further detailed information and application forms, please, contact us;
  • Further detailed information about Festival;
  • Philosophy of our Festival;
  • History of our Festival;
  • Selection of festival movies;
  • Who can apply for being co-organizer of the local film festival;
  • What to be done to bring festival “Nationality – Human” to your place?
  • Application form;
  • You are free in drawing up the budget estimate; however we would like to give some recommendations.

The first similar festival in The South Caucasus

  • Presents recent documentary films from various countries of the world throughout the South Caucasus. Proceeding from the fact that the world is one and the language of the movie has no borders, Caucasian audience, may “see themselves” while exploring existence of people from various corners of the world, empathize and support their struggle for peace and justice. Public discussions are important part of the festival.
  • The festival is not competition-based. Our jury members (consisting of films critics, movie-makers, public organizations of the South Caucasus, representatives of Germany and Czech Republic) will select the most topical films on the issues of reconciliation and peaceful resolution of the conflict. These movies will constitute three day program that considers post-presentation public discussions.
  • Festival “Nationality – human” is a film festival on “wheels”: we will visit your place on a cinema-bus and bring necessary equipment with us (If it is not possible to reach you by our bus, we will find other means of transportation);

Would you like to invite our festival to your city of village? Send us an application (see attached application) and your ideas regarding other peacemaking activities that can be organized in term of the festival. We will be glad if you could provide us with your proposals and ideas concerning the festival format, venue and potential audience. Any “active person” or organization (community, administration, NGOs, schools, high schools, informal unions, etc) within the South Caucasus may get actively involved in festival locally at organizational level. Among the applications submitted we will select 25 creative, interesting and original proposals. Co-organizers of the festival will obtain modest financial support.

Festival Dates: April to October 2008.

Write us and our cinema-bus will arrive to you.

The deadline for submission of applications is: 20.12.2007

In case of enquiries and application form, please, contact us:

South Caucasian Festival on Peace and human rights “Nationality – Human”

Tel: 25 05 93 e-mail: [email protected]

Please, disseminate information about the festival among all the interested individuals.

Supported by Heinrich BÖll foundation ( and Open Society institute, The South Caucasian foundations (,,

Further detailed information about Festival

How the first festival was organised in 2007 and what novelties are expected in upcoming 2008.

Our first festival ended by the min October, 2007. During 7 months, it visited 25 cities and villages in the South Caucasus. These are: Sumgait, Geochai, Lenkorani, Gagra, Miku/Mokve, Chlou, Tkvarcheli, Batumi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Marneuli, Akhalsofeli, Nukriani, Akhmeta, Ikalto, Gurdjaani, Akhaltsikhe, Java, Kvaia, Tskhinvali, Erevan, Gumri, Chambaraki, Stephanakert, and Shushia. At each place the Festival lasted for three days. It included discussions, frame-programs – dances, creative competitions, theatre performances, etc. We were hosted by schools, youth clubs, NGOs, Cultural houses; we hosted a guest from Israeli in term of the festival – a producer of one of the festival films, and many other guests. During this year, we’ve been discussing topics of war and peace, ate a lot of khachapuri, patty, Kebab, Dolma, and tasteful drinks; We’ve made many new friends, got many ideas and impressions – it is impossible to put all of these in words … Detailed information and some photos can be viewed at:

Thus, for this reason we have decided to organize the festival next year and make some changes to it on the basis of accumulated experience. Our co-organisers in 2007 and interested persons to apply next year, can submit their proposals; we will briefly list the basic news for new co-organizers:

  1. Festival jury members will select 10 films (and not 6 as a rule); local co-organizers will have possibility to choose six movies out of these 10 for their audience (festival scheme remains unaltered – 2-2 films will be screened during 3 days);
  2. Film duration will be reduced to the possible extent. Short and full-length films will be selected, different from topics of 2007. Though, the key topics of the festival remain unchanged: peaceful resolution of conflict, reconciliation, human rights.
  3. Prior to launching festival, in February meeting of 25 winner co-organizers and jury members will take place in Istanbul, where films and festival program will be discussed.
  4. In comparison to 2007, the amount of money allocated for organizing the festival has increased. Framework program will not be obligatory. If an applicant is willing to organize a framework-program, the jury will review the proposal independent of the festival proposal and if approved, will allocate funds.
  5. “A special guest” (expert) similar to 2007 will attend the festival together with organizers and festival presenter. In 2008, such “special guest” shall be a representative from other region of the South Caucasus. If the applicant is not capable of suggesting a candidate, we will try with common efforts to find him.
  6. Winners of festival of 2007 will automatically obtain additional plus for co-organizers competition in 2008, though we welcome “newcomers” with delight.
  7. Coordinator for festival of 2008 will be Martina Tikhov from Germany – current coordinator, Kerstin Nicking is returning to Germany.

 Philosophy of our Festival

Why we have decided to present foreign documentary films on peace and human rights? A difficult questions.

First of all, we hope that these films will provoke your interest. Perhaps movies were not shown in your village, cities or regions for a long time? Or, perhaps you are bored with Hollywood blockbusters? Maybe you are interested in what types of documentary films are being shown in other countries? Maybe you will discover something new and interesting in them.

Secondly, proceeding that the world is one and the language of the cinema has no borders, Caucasian audience will recognize themselves in the lives of people residing in difference region of the world, empathize and support in their struggle for peace and justice. We hope that the festival will considerably provoke discussions on burning issues; it will bore peace inside each of us and in the world.

Why “festival on wheels”? We believe that if every inhabitant of the South Caucasus is not able to go to cinema and watch a film, then the films should come to them. These festivals are not aimed at big cities only: the idea of “mobile” festival generated exactly due to our desire to show films to residents of towns and villages, who have less opportunity to watch movies. So, Townsfolk! We will be especially glad to visit your places.

Besides, we have a great desire to organize this festival together with you. You are better aware of how to attract local people, how to make the festival program more interesting and/or who to invite to the similar activities as “A special guest”.

We are curious about the reaction of audience to these films, the ideas that may emerge about organizing the festival, the types of discussions and talks provoked by festival films.

of our Festival

The South Caucasus Documentary Film Festival of Peace and Human Rights – «Nationality: human» – is the first festival of this type in the South Caucasus. The idea of a film festival generated in 2005 among friends and partners of Open Society-Georgia Foundation ( and Heinrich BÖll Foundation, which have been implementing the projects on reconciliation of partners in the south Caucasus regions since 2003  (

These foundations invited experienced specialists from different regions of the South Caucasus. Special interest was attached to selecting jury members: we were willing to maintain balance in order that the jury were composed of, on one hand, representatives from the basic regions of the South Caucasus; on the other hand, individuals working in the field of cinema and justice.

We found experienced partners in the shape of organizers of Prague Movie festival on human rights, “One world” They have been organizing festivals since 1999. All the films presented to you have been already screened at Prague Movie Festival.

Heinrich BÖll Foundation ( and the network of South Caucasus foundations of Open society Institution (,http://www.osi-az/. financially support this project.

We are proud that the festival continues and will take place in 2008.

Selection of festival films

Our festival is not competition based i.e. producers will not be capable of submitting their works for participation in the festival. We seek movies ourselves. The selection process continues as follows: a jury composed of 11 members, experts from various regions of the South Caucasus, as well as the representatives from Czech Republic and Germany (each member works either in the field of cinema or is a specialist in human rights), will select 10 full-length or short documentary films. The local co-organisers will have possibility to select 6 out of these 10 films for their local festivals. The films will be about the war or post war living; about how people cope with the complicated life situations; films concerning “strangers”, relationship with “rivals”, about reconciliation. All of these films will be selected out of numerous documentary films of the world, which were shown during the movie festival at Prague “One world”. These films which are already internationally recognized will be dubbed in local languages.

The program for the previous year can be viewed at:

The information about the current program will be available from mid December at the same web-page.

Here are given the brief descriptions of the films, which were shortlisted and may be finally selected for the festival program:
“Bridge over the  Wadi”, Israel, 57 minutes;

Jewish and Arabic people live side by side in central part of Israeli. Jewish and Arab parents, who have been witnessing violence for many years, decide to open together a bilingual school.

“White crows”, Germany, 90 minutes

Petya and Kiril enrol as volunteers for Chechnya War. Katie works as a nurse in a field hospital during the war. They return home with completely changed mentality. They are unable to forget the scenes of war violence. Film producers were observing the attempts of film heroes to find their places in Russian society, which refused to acknowledge the reality of the Chechnya war.

“To Be or To have”, France, 104 minutes;

The movie depicts the daily life of a village school in one of the distant villages of France -Overne. We become witnesses of various small adventures of school children from the first to fifth years. The teacher follows the lives of these little children through surviving conflicts, discoveries and joys of life.

These films are only shortlisted ones. It may be possible that they do not be finally selected for the festival program. They are listed here only as samples for their thematic direction. The list of selected films will be available only by mid December and published on our web.

Who may become our partners in organizing festival in various places

Any “active person” or organization (community, administration, NGOs, schools, high schools, informal unions, etc) from any corner of the South Caucasus may be a co-organizer; those:

  • 1) Willing to invite our festival;
  • 2) Are capable of doing this that implies an organizer or a team or organizers.
  • Shall be at least equipped with a telephone, a fax, an e-mail (for communication);
  • Has access to building (or open-air space) for  presenting films (a projector and a screen will be brought by us);
  • 3) Besides, The organizers shall be capable of implementing their own proposed programs:
  • 4) Shall be capable of following the rules of framework program organization of the festival (Any activity can be proposed in compliance with the festival budget-frame (refer to application form) and within the reconciliation topic of the festival);
  • 5) Shall share and support festival ideas and our principles and have desire to cooperate with the regional network of the festival organizers.

Festival co-organizers are not allowed to present films other than selected for this festival.

Among the submitted applications the jury will select 25 most interesting and creative proposals original in their non-standard approach to peacekeeping actions. The festival co-organizers will receive decent financial and organizational support.

Successful co-organizers of the festival 2007 will have a plus for submitting an application.

In case of equally interesting proposals, advantage will be given to non-city residents.

What to be done to bring festival “Nationality – Human” to your place?

  1. Please, send us completed and signed application form by fax, mail or e-mail (in this case without signature) before December 20, 2007. For further information, please contact festival organizational group – Martina Tikhov or Tamuna Gurchiani; they will try to assist you (see contact details in application form).
  2. Please, wait for the decision till January 25, 2008.

What to be done to bring festival “Nationality – Human” to your place?

If your proposal is selected (you will be acknowledged about it till January 25, 2008) you will be invited to workshop which will be held near your city or village. The workshop will individually address all the issues related to festival, such as: inviting experts, number of participants, financial and other issues, dates of festival (from April to October, 2008).

In addition, you will be provided with consultations during the project about preparation of festival.

By the date of festival our cinema-bus with a team of three persons will arrive to your place: festival coordinator and two staff members. They will bring a projector, a screen and sound equipment, as well as all the films and additional advertising material.

You will be personally responsible for organization of the festival and festival framework program. You must ensure invitation of the audience, take care of venue, co-ordinate the date of festival with the local authorities, submit project financial and narrative reports.

At the end of the festival the organizers will receive the festival catalogue and films for archiving.

We look forward to successful partnership with you!

Your Movie team

Application form

I. Personal information of an applicant (Project contact person)

First Name:

Family name:

Private Identification number (or passport):

Date of birth:

Place of birth:





II. organization/enterprise/initiative group/NGO/state agency/ school/high school etc. (if applying on behalf of an organization)

Organization Name:




III. Please, state the reason why you want to invite the festival to your place? What is your opinion about the idea of festival?

IV. What category of audience will attend your festival? In particular what is your target audience of the festival?

V. Who would be your proposed as a facilitator for discussions (Name, second name, profession, field of activity)? Does this person have an experience as a facilitator? Where was this experience obtained? Would you like us to suggest a facilitator?

VI. Who would you name as a special guest? This person shall necessarily be from a neighbouring region or other country of the South Caucasus (Name, Second name, profession, field of activity, country)? Why would you like to invite him? “Special guest can be an expert in the field of human rights and reconciliations or a cinema critic or a journalist; may be an ordinary person, who gained experience from life e.g. soldier’s mother, who is against the war, or a veteran who together with his/her veteran friends or members of the organization work on the issues of reconciliation.

VII. Your ideas about the frame-work program. In particular what do you suggest us to do and what do you hope to achieve with this?

Our festival framework program implies all of those programs which during three days will be performed alongside with showing films. This is your duty to unify all of this within one frame.

You can suggest any type of activity, that:

  • Doesn’t exceed budget frame;
  • Falls within the festival topic of reconciliation;
  • Is feasible for you.

For instance, a framework program can include exhibitions, cultural program, peacemaking activities.

Besides, it is forbidden to present films other than festival ones.

Framework program is not obligatory. It will be separately finances from festival organizational funds in case if the jury considers it original and relevant to festival topic.

  • VIII.Do you have experience in organizing similar activities? Were you a co-organizer at the Festival 2007?
  • IX. Please, draw up the budget estimate for the festival.

Your budget (maximum amount):

700 Euro (not including the framework program):

900 Euro (including framework program):

You are totally free in drawing up the budget; however, we would like to give some recommendations:

  • – Decent fees (Net-not including taxes) for organizer (i.e. you), facilitator and “Special Guest”. Do not forget to include per diem (accommodation, food and transportation) for these people.
  • – Take into account that the audience will need some meal during a day. Considering our experience, we advice to provide them with a coffee-break;
  • – Do not include accommodation, food, travel expenses for the festival movie team (ours) in our budget (we shall cover those expenses ourselves);
  • – Please, give detailed and exact description of expected expenses.


(Please, prepare budges in GEL and Euro – according to exchange rate by the application date)



Item cost

local currency

total in Euro

Exchange rate on the day of drawing up the budget

Meal for audience*

60 Laris x 3 days

180 Laris

76.60 Euro




*In the course of implementation of the project, the budget sections are permitted to be altered by amount that does not exceed 10% of the section.

11. Further notes and suggestions important for your proposal:

12. How did you learn about the competition?

Place and Date:                                                      Signature:

Please, send the completed application form to the following address:

Film Festival “Nationality – Human”,

8, P.O. 48, Tbilisi

Fax: (+995 32)291052

Or email to Festival coordinator: Martina Tikhov

In case of inquires, please, contact us at: 250593 or 8 95 384468

Please disseminate this information about the festival among individuals and organizations that may take interested! Thank you!!!