On September 6, 2011 the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) submitted to public an independent forensic report from DAS Fingerprints/Forensics Ltd. (UK-based forensic bureau) on circumstances of Nika Kvintradze’s death, who died during the May 26 events. The report contained important information for investigation of circumstances in Nika Kvintradze’s death.
Following the publication of the independent forensic findings, the Ministry of Interior accused GYLA in deliberate dissemination of false information. Representatives of state authorities made unethical comments towards GYLA blaming the organization for involvement in “political games”. At the same time, Kurieri news on Rustavi 2 and Kronika news on Imedi for several days broadcasted reports prepared in full disregard of journalistic standards and ethic norms aimed to discredit GYLA. We are particularly concerned that GYLA’s right to get and disseminate professional information that is inseparable and important part of human rights’ NGO questioned as opposed to credibility of forensic findings.
Member organizations of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Georgian National Platform declare their solidarity to the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association. As we consider expressed accusations against GYLA unfounded and view the negative campaign carried out by certain TV Companies as unacceptable, we call on:
The Delegation of the European Union to Georgia – to assess the discrediting campaign carried out against GYLA according to “EU Guidelines for Human Rights’ Defenders”and express its position.
The Government of Georgia – to curb unfounded attacks against civil society representatives, in order to avoid marginalization of the NGO sector as a whole and to avoid negative effect on the country’s democratic image.
Media Representatives – namely, Rustavi 2 and Imedi broadcasting companies to observe journalistic ethic norms that obliges the broadcaster when preparing a news report to submit news and facts impartiality and with due accuracy,.
Undersigned organizations:
- The Green Alternative;
- International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED);
- Human Rights’ Center;
- Eurasia Partnership Foundation;
- Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia);
- Association “Dea”;
- Association European Studies for Innovative Development of Georgia;
- Institute for Policy Studies;
- Multinational Georgia;
- Centre for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG);
- Association “Article 42 of the Constitution”;
- Youth Alternative;
- Civic Development Institute;
- Association for the Protection of Farmers’ Rights;
- Association “Women and Business”;
- Caucasus Institute for Economic and Social Studies;
- Energo-effectiveness Fund;
- Healthy World;
- Coalition for Civil Development;
- World Experience for Georgia;
- Network of Caucasus Environment Protection NGOs (CENN);
- Georgian Trade Unions’ Confederation;
- Levan Mikeladze Foundation;
- European Integration Forum – Civil Society and Consulting;
- Liberal Academy Tbilisi;
- Association Green Wave;
- Open Society Georgia Foundation;
- Association “Elkana”;
- Centre of Ecological Law.