Open Society Georgia Foundation supports development of women’ small enterprise

27 Jan, 2010


In terms of Open Society Georgia foundation Economic Development program and in partnership with the foundation branch organization “Foundation Taso”, women representatives from regions underwent training.
In terms of Open Society Georgia foundation Economic Development program and in partnership with the foundation branch organization “foundation Taso”, was implemented the project “Economic strengthening of village women”.
40 women from various regions participated in this project. They attended 5 day training course “Basics of Business Administration” at CTC;

the training included topics profitable for beginner entrepreneurs: understanding of business by entrepreneurs, essence of small and medium enterprise, market study; definition of product/service, marketing communication, distribution and mediators; pricing, organizing business and managing work processes, incomes, expenses and planning profit; planning balance, money circulation and budget, simple ways of assessing investment, business plan samples, forms of business organizations, issues foreseen in  tax legislation.
Upon completion of the training, the participants were awarded certificates