Presentation of analytical report of treatment of drug addiction and registration of drug users

28 Jan, 2010

Press release

On February 26, 2008 in Sheraton Metechi Palace was held presentation of two reports:”Evaluation of drug addiction treatment in Georgia”;”System of Registration of drug users” 

Both of the researches were implemented with the financial support of Open Society Institute Harm Reduction international development program and Canadian international development agency in Georgia, within the framework of three-year program “Protection of health and human rights of drug users” running in Russia and Ukraine.


Addiction Scientific-research institute and NGO “New Road” independently worked on research – “Drug addiction treatment assessment in Georgia” (download), afterwards two independent reports were prepared. Research The system of Registration and follow-up of drug users in Georgia was implemented by “Alternative Georgia” research centre on addiction.

Both of the works address ways and recommendations for solving problems relates to treatment and registration of drug dependants from the perspective of field specialists as well as representatives of civil sector.

First deputy minister of Labor, Health and Social affairs, Irakli Giorgobiani, the head of The parliament committee on health and social affairs, Gigi Tsereteli, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nation Centre of disease control, local and international NGOs, heads and physician-narcologists from various hospitals participated in the meeting.