Round Table Meeting for NGOs

28 Jan, 2010


Open Society Georgia Foundation, “law, Media and Health” project on March 10th, 2008 organized round table meeting “Health and Human Rights” for NGOs which works for marginalized groups and for protection human rights.
Reason of the meeting was to introduce their activities to each other and find ways for problem solving. It is important,  that non-governmental organizations aiming at human rights protection are not actively involved in working along with the organizations oriented on health care and marginalized groups. They do not work as a coalition, this happens due to lack of information about each others activity, that hinders defend of marginalized group’s rights and effectiveness of their activity.

For exchange of information and establishing cooperation with health and human right NGO’s “Law, Media and Health” project is going to encourage the law-health network through roundtable meetings. Basic goal of above mentioned meeting was to introduce each other NGO’s focusing on marginalized groups and human rights.

Participant of Round Table meeting were representatives from: Georgian Public Defenders Office, HIV/Aid Patients Support Foundation, “Center for  Protection of Constitutional Rights”, “Tobacco Control Frame Convention”, “New Vector” and representatives from other ten NGO’s.
Each NGO did speech about their activities and future goals. They express their willing to be a member of coalition.