Training on Human Rights and Healthcare for Doctors Working in Penitentiary Institutions

23 Mar, 2010

On March 5-7, Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and Global Initiative on Psychiatry conducted training on Human Rights and Healthcare for 21 doctors working in penitentiary institutions from East and West Georgia. This effort became possible with the support of the Open Society Georgia Foundation.



Training materials used for training were the following:

  • European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
  • Istanbul Protocol;
  • The Law of Georgia on the Rights of Patients;
  • The Law of Georgia on Imprisonment;
  • Human Rights in Patient Care (Open Society Institute, Public Health Program, Practitioner Guide);
  • Mental Health and Human Rights (Open Society Institute, Public Health Program, Practitioner Guide);
  • Draft Code on Imprisonment;
  • General Comment of the Committee against Torture on Medical Treatment in Penitentiary Institutions;
  • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.