Public health

In 2022 the Foundation’s Public Health Program will work with its long-term partners to continue to focus on advancing the interests of vulnerable groups to restore their inclusion and rights to health. We will monitor and document the human rights situation in the field of drug-related policy, seek the promotion of innovative harm reduction methodologies, and ensure that marginalized groups continue to have access to life-saving medications and services.

We will also build on our previous joint achievements in the Mental Health (MH) field and, after ceasing work on deinstitutionalization, will focus on transparency and accountability of authorities in state financing of MH.

After nearly 20 years of commitment, we are shrinking our work related to technical support, education, and training in palliative care and early childhood development fields. To ensure a smooth transition and sustainability of partner organizations we are planning to decrease our work gradually within the following years.

During this period, the Foundation will not list open opportunities and grants received from other applicants rather than partners.

More programs:

Public Health

Participatory Democracy

EU Integration

Human Rights


National Integration